Initially designed as a procedure to treat the worst cases of morbid obesity as a first step to be followed by a gastric bypass or duodenal switch, the gastric sleeve procedure soon proved to be so highly effective as to stand alone as a treatment for obesity.
Because the surgery doesn’t require changing the connections of the intestines, the gastric sleeve is a safer alternative. The surgery time is less as well. Another advantage to this procedure over other options is the prevention of vitamin or mineral deficiency that can accompany altering the path of intestines. Additionally, should the patient require further weight loss down the road, the gastric bypass or duodenal switch remain options a patient can to convert too.
The gastric sleeve surgery requires small, laparoscopic incisions on the abdomen. Through these incisions, the size of the stomach will be reduced by stapling that removes 80-85% of available space. The usable space left will be connected to the entrance and exit of the stomach already. This 30-45 minute procedure will reduce the patient’s capacity for food and lessen hunger sensations.
During each surgery, the stomach size created will depend on the individual patient. The staples used are small, medical grade titanium; they’re approved for imaging and airport scanning. Our surgeons “buttress” the line of staples, providing further protection from leakage or other complications.
Since many patients are spurred to action by medical problems caused by excessive weight, it’s helpful to consider the effects of the procedure on these conditions for patients.
When a patient doesn’t experience the level of weight loss that they anticipated, the reasons can generally be traced to a few obvious factors:
In addition to the resolution of many medical conditions, choosing the gastric sleeve procedure is an excellent choice because:
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Cost for Gastric Sleeve
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